How to Become a Spiritual Badass

For those of you that do not know me, I’m an Indigo and an Aries. If you don’t know what that means, I am super fiery, assertive, energetic, independent, and I don’t take failure well.
I tend to say it like it is and I don’t think much of the consequences. I’ve become gentler in my wording over the past several years, but I am here to share what comes through to me as often as I can.

I am a warrior, and that comes through from past lives. It is very prevalent in my personality and I simply cannot escape it. I stand up for people who will not stand up for themselves. I walked into work each and every day over the last year not caring if I got fired.  I was there to make a difference, and I was there to make change. To help the Executive Team see what they were not able to. (For the most part, I think I succeeded).

I am guided by whatever you want to call it – Spirit, Source, Angels, the Divine, etc...  I’m especially tuned into it, but I know not everyone is! I can see the inner turmoil that shows up in people’s lives due to past life events, childhood experiences, healing that still needs to be done, inner-work that needs to be completed, and whatever else comes through in their behavior.  My guidance and my claircognizance (clear intuitive knowing) happens to come out a bit easier when I am in an uproar. I’m not an obnoxiously calm and peaceful human being by nature. It’s funny when people hear what I do for a living and are shocked. I tell it like it is, I state the brutal honesty that people don’t want to acknowledge.

I know that pain and discomfort helps each and every one of us to grow and push just a little bit deeper. Although I’m not good with repeated pain, or multiple things put onto me at once, I know it is there for a reason and it needs to be recognized. (I also hope that it won’t come back to bite me in the ass if I run away from it).

I use the F-word a lot (don’t put me on speakerphone). I don’t sugar coat most things I say, but I change my tone to make it more acceptable. Along with all of these irritating things about me, I also bring positive energy and joy to the world. I think outside the box. I read beneath the lines.  I seek happiness and health. I accept my mistakes and I learn from them. I’m ultimately here to make the world a better place, and to leave a mark in this space.

Keep in mind, that most of my personality is simply the way I was created. I cannot necessarily change who I am underneath, but I can definitely give you some tips along the way!

How to become a Spiritual Badass:

Be honest with yourself and others ::  This one can be very difficult for some people, but do the best you can! If it helps, simply start working on yourself. Find some quiet time. Pay attention to your issues, feelings, worries, concerns, and fears in your life right now. Take some notes if that helps. What are some things you need to work on to help you with that area of your life? How could you do better? What changes to you need to make? Then be mindful, especially if you are in a similar situation to react differently! Then see how it feels and how others respond to your change. 
After you have worked on and acknowledged your issues in your own life, feel free to move towards being more open and honest with others. You don’t have to go “all-in” when it comes to this, but take baby steps to help yourself! Do you have a good friend that asks for your opinion? Do you have a family member that is constantly coming to you with issues? If so, where are you holding your opinion back? And how is it the easiest for you to share your honesty with them? Is it face to face? Or via a phone call? Or through an email? If you rarely share your honest opinion, take it one step at a time. Keep it gentle and light, and work through easy topics at first! As you become more and more comfortable with this, it will become a normal part of your daily life!

Live your life with Integrity :: Integrity to me, is doing the right thing, even when no one is looking. It’s my moral compass that I live by. There is no fear behind doing the right thing, there is only fact. In my life, it’s a feeling deep inside that I simply cannot explain, but I can give you a few examples. Last year, I hired a man that I questioned would be good for me at work. He was someone I had to report to, which was a little bit scary to me. I could feel his energy and his way in doing things before he ever showed up. However, I knew that he was the right person for that job. He would make some of the changes that needed to be made. So I pushed him through, and we hired him. It didn’t matter to me that I might not make it because of him. It mattered that he needed to be at that company, in that role, because he was the best person for the job. Make sense?

Respect other’s free will :: This one is huge to me and it’s so important! Every single person that you know or you come into contact with has their version of reality, based on their past experiences! We cannot nor should we ever try to force someone to do something or believe something that simply does not resonate with them!

I have an amusing (really frustrating) experience to share. Many years ago I became a Holistic Nutritionist to help heal my physical body from a year of intense chemotherapy and radiation. My body was simply a mess, and I certainly wasn’t doing my part to help it. So I started with food. I learned so many things about the food industry, processed foods, GMO’s, meat, dairy and fish just to name a few. I knew what we needed to take out of our home, what we needed to be eating to support our health and my immunity, so I became a walking/talking textbook of food. I tried to push this on my healthy and fit husband to try to help him be “healthier”. After a year of fighting at the dinner table every day I finally had to take a step down. It DID NOT WORK, obviously.

What I’m trying to say is that my beliefs are not the same as everyone else’s. Again, that’s why I say if something here doesn’t resonate with you then it’s not for you and that’s okay! I can’t force my husband to eat less meat. I can’t hide the pop tarts from him (it didn’t work out well). I can’t tell him what to think or what to believe. So I learned a great lesson in others free will and I respect it immensely to this day.

Self-Care is Essential :: Take care of your Mind, Body, & Spirit
If we are a soul, having an earthly experience as a human, it’s my job to take care of myself and balance everything out. On a personal level, I believe we need to take care of our physical body through exercise and nutrition, our mind through meditation/journaling and simply allowing ourselves to be, and our energetic body to protect our aura and energetic field on a daily basis. I also think we need to maintain a strong relationship with our spiritual team and our angels, but that’s a story for another day...

I go through phases with each of these areas in my life, and it’s certainly never been perfect. I can tell you that whenever I was striving for some type of ‘perfection’ I was absolutely miserable and unhappy. For example, right now I have a bit more free time on my hands, therefore, I have more time for physical exercise, spiritual connection, and energy healing with my angelic team. Nothing is ever perfect. We all go through phases of what is important to us on any given day, and we adjust accordingly. Do what feels good to you and everything will fall into place.  


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