My Top 10 High Vibrational Foods!
Let me take you back approximately 23 years, and we can start from the beginning. I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. I had my spleen removed and I went almost immediately into high doses of very strong chemotherapy, followed by radiation for over a year. Once I completed treatments, and for a period of 10 years after that, I believed that I would never feel the same again. My immune system was destroyed, my energy was poor, and I had a variety of physical repercussions that I still deal with to this day! (Chemicals and a lot of pharmaceutical drugs can do that to a person)! 10 years ago I decided to try to take back my health for my daughter and for my husband. I finally had what I had always wanted, but I couldn’t take advantage of it. It was at this time that I also started to actually listen to my angels and my spiritual team, who had been chattering with me since the age of 5! At this time, I knew and I felt that I had to switch everything that I pu...